First let me say this: I love the simpson's quote. Well done reminding me of an excellent episode. Man, I wish the simpsons would just end because I hate it post-season 8 and don't want people to think that I like the new episodes. After that I am not sure what Doc is really proposing. I do not want to have a "news" website that updates people on muppet/movies/comic/tech hybrid. However, I could review muppet stuff. That would make me happy. Moving on from Doc's non-suggestion, I will offer some topics that we can talk about to go back to the old format of the blog. How about...OK...I admit, I've got nothing. You can not force these things. They have to come up naturally. I think the bigger problem is that Doc and I argue about more controversial things, but are sometimes reluctant to put on the blog. Maybe we should go for it. Just say whatever we feel like and go political. Maybe that is what we need.
That's pretty much all I have to say in respons to Doc's post. So, I an effort to compete with his length I will now try to list the names of my favorite fictional characters in no particualr order:
Randy Marsh
Daffy Duck
Homer Simpson
Dr. Nick Rivera
Gonzo the Great
Dr. Ludwig Van Drake
Benjamin Braddock
Mr. Bernstein
Sam Lowery
Brian of Nazareth
Dennis Moore
Roger Rabbit
Michigan J. Frog
Marty McFly
Max Fisher
Margo Tenenbaum
Royal Tenenbaum
Harry the Hipster
Steve Zissou
Audrey II
Marvin Suggs
Howard Beale
Sally Brown
Dirk McQuickly
Jessica Tate
Burt Campbell
Dark Helmet
Leonard Zelig
Waring Hudsucker
Egon Spengler
President Merkin Muffley
Cosmo Kramer
Milo Minderbinder
Ford Prefect
Disco Stu
Hedley Lamarr
Navin Johnson
Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo
Jeffery Lebowski
Father Guido Sarduchi
Raymond Luxury Yacht (pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove)
Basil Fawlty
Winnie the Pooh
Biggus Dickus
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew
Guy Smiley
Dr. Franknfurter
Marty DiBirgi
Leggy Mountbatton
Bobby Farber
Link Hogthrob
Lorenzo St.Dubois (LSD)
Leo Bloom
Max Bialystock
Wile E. Coyote
Yosemite Sam
William "Fat Tony" Williams
Roosevelt Franklin
Dr. Manhattan
Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm
Shooting nonsensical thoughts into the void of the internet for no one to read.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Well Scooby Do Can Doo Doo, But Jimmy Carter Is Smarter
We are yet again at a cross roads here at the 3184 blog. Dos brought up some good points in his ridiculous posts below. Without the other, we would just get too crazy on our own. Dos would post nonsense and things most people wouldn't relate to. And I would talk about comic book movies and technology. But let me ask you this, what would be wrong with that?
This blog is basically for mine and Dos' benefit. We know we have no readers. So why not post whatever the fuck we want? The blog is no longer what it once was. When we started it over a year ago, we picked a topic, had two differing sides, and put up a poll. That was the format we kept for a few months. But this could not last. There was only so much we could 100% disagree on.
The blog has evolved. Now we post things we agree on as well as what we disagree on. And other random stuff is thrown up now and then. But at this juncture in the blogs life, I think we need something... a topic to draw readers. Something constant. But what?
Personally, I myself don't read others blogs. So why would I expect anyone ever to come view this one? I go to websites. I go for news on a certain topic. Reviews. To be entertained. I suppose out of all of the above, we are supposed to be entertaining. Are we? I do not know. Would someone who doesn't know us get any pleasure from reading this?
I am gonna use this forum to propose to Dos a few ideas rolling around the ol noggin that would keep me interested in posting. I think we need to get out of the blogger arena. We need to take it up a notch. Im talking about buying a domain. Imagine if we owned!!?! It could happen! That could be our legacy.
We need to discuss topics suitable for the site. I feel we need to be more consistent if we want to have continual readers. But what? Perhaps a muppet/movies/comic/tech hybrid. I will leave the floor open to Dos for suggestions on what he thinks. Your move Dos.
This blog is basically for mine and Dos' benefit. We know we have no readers. So why not post whatever the fuck we want? The blog is no longer what it once was. When we started it over a year ago, we picked a topic, had two differing sides, and put up a poll. That was the format we kept for a few months. But this could not last. There was only so much we could 100% disagree on.
The blog has evolved. Now we post things we agree on as well as what we disagree on. And other random stuff is thrown up now and then. But at this juncture in the blogs life, I think we need something... a topic to draw readers. Something constant. But what?
Personally, I myself don't read others blogs. So why would I expect anyone ever to come view this one? I go to websites. I go for news on a certain topic. Reviews. To be entertained. I suppose out of all of the above, we are supposed to be entertaining. Are we? I do not know. Would someone who doesn't know us get any pleasure from reading this?
I am gonna use this forum to propose to Dos a few ideas rolling around the ol noggin that would keep me interested in posting. I think we need to get out of the blogger arena. We need to take it up a notch. Im talking about buying a domain. Imagine if we owned!!?! It could happen! That could be our legacy.
We need to discuss topics suitable for the site. I feel we need to be more consistent if we want to have continual readers. But what? Perhaps a muppet/movies/comic/tech hybrid. I will leave the floor open to Dos for suggestions on what he thinks. Your move Dos.
3184Blog Hostage Crisis: Day Two
Doc! I am being serious here! I will take this whole blog down with me if you do not do a post. You texted me that you saw the other post. What is this? Ugh, all right, I guess I will name all the states in alphabetical order. Again, I did not look this up online. I know a song.
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
3184Blog Hostage Crisis: Day One
One of the reasons that I agreed to do this blog with Doc is that I knew he would keep me grounded. I enjoy writing the blog, but I knew that if I did it alone it would slowly evolve to be just a shrine to my favorite pieces of popular culture. I would also like to think that I prevent Doc's posts from being just angry rants and talk of superhero movies. However, problems can arise in a dual author blog. Such as when one of the authors stops posting. Doc has left me out here in the wilderness all alone and I am left with no choice. I am holding the blog hostage until Doc posts again. My way of holding it hostage will consist of me complying with every single whim I have of posting any nonsense that pops in my head. Doc I am begging you for the sake of humanity to put this to an end and do a post. Well, here is the first one. I have committed to memory the presidents song from Animaniacs. I promise that I did not just copy and paste this. This is completely from memory. Doc you brought this upon yourself.
George Washington was the first you see he one cut down a cherry tree
John Adams number two you see and after him
Tom Jefferson stayed up to write the constitution late at night and he and his wife had a great big fight and she made him sleep on the couch all night
James Madison never had a son and he fought the war of 1812
James Monroe's colossal nose was bigger than Pinocchio
John Quincy Adams was number six and its Andrew Jackson's butt he kicks then
Andrew Jackson learns politics next time he's the one that the country picks
Martin Van Buren number eight for a one term shot as chief of state
William Harrison how do you praise? that guy was dead in 30 days
John Tyler he liked country folk and after him came
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor liked to smoke his breath killed Friends whenever he spoke, 1850 really nifty
Millard Fillmore's in young and fierce was
Franklin Pierce the man with out a chin then comes next a period spanning some long years with
James Buchanan and the south starts shooting cannons and we got a civil war, a war, a war down south in Dixie, up to bat comes old
Abe Lincoln here's a guy whose really thinkin' saves the country from fadin' keeps the ship of state from sinkin'
Andrew Johnson's next he had some slight defects, congress each would impeach and the country now elects
Ulysses Simpson Grant who would scream and rave and rant while drinking whisky, kinda risky, 'cus he spilled it on his pants, its 1877 and the democrats would gloat but their all amazed when
Rutherford Hayes wins by just some votes
John Garfield someone really hated, 'cus he was assassinated
Chester Arthur gets instated, four years later he was traded for
Grover Cleveland really fat elected twice as a democrat
Benjamin Harrison after that its
William McKinley up at bat
Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill and
William Taft he got the bill and in 1913
Woodrow Willlllllllllllllllllllll which takes us into World War I
Warren Harding he does find its
Calvin Coolidge next in line and in 1929 the market crashes and we find it's
Herbert Hoover's big debut he gets the blame and looses to
Franklin Roosevelt president who helped us win in World War II
John Kennedy had Camelot and
Lyndon Johnson takes his spot
Richard Nixon he gets caught and
Gerald Ford fell down a lot
Jimmy Carter liked campaign trips and
Ronald Regan's speeches all came from famous movie clips then
George Bush said read my lips, now in Washington DC, there are democrats and the GOP but the one in charge is plain to see its the Clintons, Bill and Hillary
Obviously it was made before the election of Bush II and Obama.
George Washington was the first you see he one cut down a cherry tree
John Adams number two you see and after him
Tom Jefferson stayed up to write the constitution late at night and he and his wife had a great big fight and she made him sleep on the couch all night
James Madison never had a son and he fought the war of 1812
James Monroe's colossal nose was bigger than Pinocchio
John Quincy Adams was number six and its Andrew Jackson's butt he kicks then
Andrew Jackson learns politics next time he's the one that the country picks
Martin Van Buren number eight for a one term shot as chief of state
William Harrison how do you praise? that guy was dead in 30 days
John Tyler he liked country folk and after him came
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor liked to smoke his breath killed Friends whenever he spoke, 1850 really nifty
Millard Fillmore's in young and fierce was
Franklin Pierce the man with out a chin then comes next a period spanning some long years with
James Buchanan and the south starts shooting cannons and we got a civil war, a war, a war down south in Dixie, up to bat comes old
Abe Lincoln here's a guy whose really thinkin' saves the country from fadin' keeps the ship of state from sinkin'
Andrew Johnson's next he had some slight defects, congress each would impeach and the country now elects
Ulysses Simpson Grant who would scream and rave and rant while drinking whisky, kinda risky, 'cus he spilled it on his pants, its 1877 and the democrats would gloat but their all amazed when
Rutherford Hayes wins by just some votes
John Garfield someone really hated, 'cus he was assassinated
Chester Arthur gets instated, four years later he was traded for
Grover Cleveland really fat elected twice as a democrat
Benjamin Harrison after that its
William McKinley up at bat
Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill and
William Taft he got the bill and in 1913
Woodrow Willlllllllllllllllllllll which takes us into World War I
Warren Harding he does find its
Calvin Coolidge next in line and in 1929 the market crashes and we find it's
Herbert Hoover's big debut he gets the blame and looses to
Franklin Roosevelt president who helped us win in World War II
John Kennedy had Camelot and
Lyndon Johnson takes his spot
Richard Nixon he gets caught and
Gerald Ford fell down a lot
Jimmy Carter liked campaign trips and
Ronald Regan's speeches all came from famous movie clips then
George Bush said read my lips, now in Washington DC, there are democrats and the GOP but the one in charge is plain to see its the Clintons, Bill and Hillary
Obviously it was made before the election of Bush II and Obama.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Well, Hooray for the Bulldog

There are some lines in movies which are not great quotes. They will never make a list of the most memorable movie quotes. If I were to say them, I would guess that most people would not know what film they are from. Moreover, they will probably not make any sense in any context beyond the film. Sometimes the way these quotes are said make them stay with you. They become a pathetic inside joke between you and the film. They just some how stick with you. Such a quote for me is the tile of this post. In one of the more desperate scenes of Citizen Kane, the title character turns to his wife, who can barely stand the sight of him anymore, to inform her that the bulldog has gone to press. The bulldog is a term that I had to look up, after this quote has stayed with me, to find out what it means. The bulldog is the early edition in the press cycle of a newspaper. It is the last version of the paper produced early in the morning in order to compete for the most up to date news. The wife Susan turns to her husband and in a moment of clear annoyance says, "Well, hooray for the bulldog." This is delivered in such an overly sarcastic manner that I can not forget it. Susan does not give a shit about the bulldog. She wants to know what has happened to her life since she has married this wealthy, but tragically flawed individual. She finds her self stuck in a huge mansion doing puzzles over and over again. She has nothing to talk to her husband about anymore and is just waiting for a moment to lash out at him. Hooray for the bulldog, indeed.
I have found that this line pops in my head fairly often. It is usually when someone tells me information that I care so little about that I do not understand why they have even opened their mouth. Let's do some examples:
"My son just made the honor roll at his pre-school"
"Well, hooray for the bulldog"
"I ate so much bad food last night and now I have to eat salad"
"Well, hooray for the bulldog"
"I have three children; the youngest one is seventeen, the oldest is thirty and the middle just started college"
"Well, hooray for the bulldog"
"I can't believe they voted (insert name)
"Ooh I don't like this, Ooh I don't like that. Oh I don't think much to all this. Oh fancy using that wallpaper. Fancy using mustard. Oo is that a proper one? Oo it's not real. Oh I don't think it's a proper restaurant unless they give you finger bowls. Oo I don't like him. I'm going to have a baby in a few years. Quite frankly I'm against people who commit suicide, I don't like that sort of person at all. I'm plain people and I'm proud of it, my mother's the salt of the earth, and I don't take the pill 'cos it's nasty. Oh I don't like him. Do you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean. I mean do you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean. Do you know what I mean. I mean do you know what I mean. All men are the same. I don't like that. There's dust on here. I don't think it's a proper meal without a pudding. My husband's an architect. Oh I don't like that. I think it's silly. It's not a proper sketch without a proper punchline. I mean I don't know much about anything, I'm stupid. I'm muggins. Nobody cares what I think. I'm always the one that has to do everything. Nobody cares about me. Well I'm going to have a lot of bloody babies and they can bloody well care about me. Makes you sick half this television. They never stop talking, he'll be the ruination of her, rhythm method."
"Well, hooray for the bulldog"
My point in talking about this is two fold. First, anyone who says they have never been in one of these scenarios with a stranger is a liar. People are bizarre and they just talk on and on about nothing assuming that I care about their nonsense. So, here is my gift to you. Please use this line whenever you see fit. I tend to say it in my head. If you would like to say it out loud that would be even better. Maybe it will someday pass into slang for "something to say when a stranger is babbling on about something boring assuming everyone should care about their lives." Hopefully, in some way, it will give the unfortunate listener solace.
My second goal in sharing this expression is to make one aware of their boring tendencies, or their need to shout their opinions nonstop. I am sure I am guilty of being the "bulldog" once or twice. Maybe if we all were made aware of this we can prevent boring conversations. I mean it is really horrible being stuck there listening to...oh, nevermind...I know what your thinking...
"Well, hooray for the bulldog"
Friday, April 15, 2011
April's DVD Picks
No, this will not become a regular feature and no, I am not reviewing the best DVDs to come out this month. I am humbly reporting to you that I just purchased two DVDs from and I would like to preach their praises. Doc can preach the praises of his most recent DVDs, or argue that he hates my choices, or whatever he wishes. Now, if you haven't noticed I like older things. Call me a wanna be hipster if you want (oh, please do I wanna be a hipster so badly), but I like vintage stuff. So, my two choices come from the years prior to 1984, that most holy year. Let's do it chronologically.
Inherit the Wind (1960) Directed by Stanly Kramer
Oh Stanly Kramer, how cool you are. If only there were as many directors as you willing to make movies about controversial subjects and actually state an opinion about those subjects. I can not think of a popular film recently that actually took an opinion about controversies. Three Kings and Munich come to mind, but not one can deny that they are few of them out there. Anyway, for those who do not know, Inherit the Wind is a film about the trial in Tennessee about the teaching of evolution in a public school. This is the famous "Scopes Trial." What is fascinating about the film is that it is not really only about this topic, but also an allegory for McCarthyism, which was near its end when the film was made. To cover these two topics at all is a daunting task. However, the movie does a fascinating and entertaining job of this. This is largely thanks to the two leads in the film, the attorneys who argue the case. I have not seen the film in a while and am looking forward to revisiting it. I was incredibly surprised by the comments on the page for the film to see people are still arguing about the film and the points of view that it represents. It is certainly a challenging film and we will see if my glowing opinion remains after a new viewing. Even if it does, which I doubt, I will always applaud it for taking on such a controversial topic.
Modern Romance (1981) Directed by Albert Brooks
I do think that these two films compliment each other in that they both deal with real issues, but this second film attacks the personal arena, as opposed to the political one. The fear with this film is that most people will look at the title and DVD case and assume it is just a romantic comedy. It is anything but this. This may be one of the darkest films about a relationship that exists. The film is really about jealousy. Two people are dating and they are constantly breaking up and becoming reunited. This is all done out of fear of the other cheating and the confusion that surrounds one choosing to be with a person for the rest of our life. Also, the movie is darkly hilarious. One laughs at the film because they understand what the main characters are going through as everyone has been through being jealous at one time. Relationships are not always easy and the film hilariously acknowledges this, while other films opt to put romantic relationships in a neat box. You know the type where a guy and a girl almost get together the whole movie, then get close to never seeing each other again and decide to marry each other in the last minute of the film. Modern Romance is certainly not that film. It aims for realism and lands in very dark territory with sardonic laughs all the way. As Stanly Kubrick is reported to have said, it is probably the best film ever made about jealousy.
Well, I am quite excited to watch both films and then push them on friends and loved ones to enjoy until they grow sick of me asking and request that I never mention the films again. I have been loving random list making on this blog, so I would like to sign off with another one. Here is a partial list of films that have been released on DVD in April 2011 and I hope to never ever see:
Country Strong
Gulliver's Travels
Street Kings 2: Motor City
That list ended up being rather short, so I would like to get off on a quick rant. I do not like movie titles that are phrases. None of the movie titles above actually represent this actually. Still, I never want to see a film with a common phrase as the title and has little bearing on the plot of the actual movie. Here are some real and fake examples, see if you can figure out which ones are which.
What's the Worst that Could Happen?
Something to Talk About
Two in the Bush
Never on a Sunday
Nothing to Lose
New York Minute
The Battle of the Sexes
Don't Be a Menace in South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
Nick of Time
Beating Around the Bush
What Just Happened?
It Could Happen to You
How Much is that Doggie in the Window?
The Last Straw
Training Day
On the Rocks
Electric Bogaloo
Ugh, so annoying. In May, I am actually excited for a movie that is coming out on DVD. All though the movie was made in the 1930s. So I don't know if that counts as me wanting a DVD that is a new release or not. It is The Great Dictator. Aight, I feel like I nereded it out on this blog enough for the day. Doc let your nerd flag fly and let us know some nerdy things your excited for or just comment on how I included Training Day on that list and how much you love that terrible, horrible, no good very bad film. King Kong ain't got shit on Training Day (because both of those films were so terrible but Training Day was worse) (I am referring to the most recent King Kong) (parenthesis are fun)
Inherit the Wind (1960) Directed by Stanly Kramer
Oh Stanly Kramer, how cool you are. If only there were as many directors as you willing to make movies about controversial subjects and actually state an opinion about those subjects. I can not think of a popular film recently that actually took an opinion about controversies. Three Kings and Munich come to mind, but not one can deny that they are few of them out there. Anyway, for those who do not know, Inherit the Wind is a film about the trial in Tennessee about the teaching of evolution in a public school. This is the famous "Scopes Trial." What is fascinating about the film is that it is not really only about this topic, but also an allegory for McCarthyism, which was near its end when the film was made. To cover these two topics at all is a daunting task. However, the movie does a fascinating and entertaining job of this. This is largely thanks to the two leads in the film, the attorneys who argue the case. I have not seen the film in a while and am looking forward to revisiting it. I was incredibly surprised by the comments on the page for the film to see people are still arguing about the film and the points of view that it represents. It is certainly a challenging film and we will see if my glowing opinion remains after a new viewing. Even if it does, which I doubt, I will always applaud it for taking on such a controversial topic.
Modern Romance (1981) Directed by Albert Brooks
I do think that these two films compliment each other in that they both deal with real issues, but this second film attacks the personal arena, as opposed to the political one. The fear with this film is that most people will look at the title and DVD case and assume it is just a romantic comedy. It is anything but this. This may be one of the darkest films about a relationship that exists. The film is really about jealousy. Two people are dating and they are constantly breaking up and becoming reunited. This is all done out of fear of the other cheating and the confusion that surrounds one choosing to be with a person for the rest of our life. Also, the movie is darkly hilarious. One laughs at the film because they understand what the main characters are going through as everyone has been through being jealous at one time. Relationships are not always easy and the film hilariously acknowledges this, while other films opt to put romantic relationships in a neat box. You know the type where a guy and a girl almost get together the whole movie, then get close to never seeing each other again and decide to marry each other in the last minute of the film. Modern Romance is certainly not that film. It aims for realism and lands in very dark territory with sardonic laughs all the way. As Stanly Kubrick is reported to have said, it is probably the best film ever made about jealousy.
Well, I am quite excited to watch both films and then push them on friends and loved ones to enjoy until they grow sick of me asking and request that I never mention the films again. I have been loving random list making on this blog, so I would like to sign off with another one. Here is a partial list of films that have been released on DVD in April 2011 and I hope to never ever see:
Country Strong
Gulliver's Travels
Street Kings 2: Motor City
That list ended up being rather short, so I would like to get off on a quick rant. I do not like movie titles that are phrases. None of the movie titles above actually represent this actually. Still, I never want to see a film with a common phrase as the title and has little bearing on the plot of the actual movie. Here are some real and fake examples, see if you can figure out which ones are which.
What's the Worst that Could Happen?
Something to Talk About
Two in the Bush
Never on a Sunday
Nothing to Lose
New York Minute
The Battle of the Sexes
Don't Be a Menace in South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
Nick of Time
Beating Around the Bush
What Just Happened?
It Could Happen to You
How Much is that Doggie in the Window?
The Last Straw
Training Day
On the Rocks
Electric Bogaloo
Ugh, so annoying. In May, I am actually excited for a movie that is coming out on DVD. All though the movie was made in the 1930s. So I don't know if that counts as me wanting a DVD that is a new release or not. It is The Great Dictator. Aight, I feel like I nereded it out on this blog enough for the day. Doc let your nerd flag fly and let us know some nerdy things your excited for or just comment on how I included Training Day on that list and how much you love that terrible, horrible, no good very bad film. King Kong ain't got shit on Training Day (because both of those films were so terrible but Training Day was worse) (I am referring to the most recent King Kong) (parenthesis are fun)
Monday, April 11, 2011
The 3184 Blog 127th Anniversary Spectacular
Wow. 127 years. Who would have thought the blog would have lasted this long? To think that for 127 years this blog has been making people confused by thinking it was a Honeymooners fan page. It's isn't for the record. We hate the honeymooners here. Anyway, I thought a great way to celebrate our anniversary would be to go through some excerpts from our greatest blog moments. So join me through 127 glorious 3184 battle-filled years:
March 1, 1884 Statue, We Don't need no Stinkin' Statue (a Doc post)
I do not understand why time and money is going to be spent building a statue of liberty when we know we are free and everyone else is not. I get it. We have liberty and everyone else is nuts. Isn't anyone suspicious about France giving us a statue that welcomes more immigrants to this country? This has got to be a trap. They are clearly trying to send more immigrants here. Sure France give us a statue. Thanks. Worst present ever.
April 24, 1898 No Chance of War with Spain (a Dos post)
I'm sure the American people will go to war with Spain. The government is going to shut down from not passing a budget and there will be no war with Spain.
December 22, 1908 The Last Emperor Stinks (a Doc post)
Great! So some young kid was crowned emperor in China. Now I am going to have to hear from Dos how he wants a crappy movie made about it. Boring.
November 11, 1918 If the Great War is over why do I still have to listen to Ragtime? (a Dos post)
...and so the Great War is over and since there will never be another one like it, I think it is time to list other things that should be over and never heard from again. Number one on my list; Ragtime. Since the 1890s I have had to suffer through fast piano bars with snazzy steps. They are not snazzy they stink. This one I think Doc will agree with me one. We need music that angrier, right Doc? (He loves his angry blues songs)....
October 23, 1929 Buy! Buy! Buy! (a Doc Post)
Boy are these 1920s roarin'! The good times are never going to end. I just bought a crap load of stock. At this rate, I will be able to stop working shortly.
October 24, 1929 Sell! Sell! Sell! Part II (a Dos post)
Told you bitches!
March 22, 1937 No Historical events To Reference (A Doc Post)
Man, nothing is happening today. Is this the end of the 3184 blog? Where is Dos? He has not posted in years. If he does not post shortly I think the blog is over. No one reads us anyway. I mean I put up a poll! What is wrong with you people? WE ARE SPINNING GOLD HERE!!!
February 13, 1943 Why Looney Tune shorts are Better than Disney Shorts (A Dos Post)
Doc is a fool in saying that Disney cartoon shorts are better than the Tunes. Mickey is soft on Nazism as well. I don't see him anywhere in the shorts with Hitler. Bugs and Daffy really kick Hitler's ass. Disney shorts. Bah!
May 13, 1955 How Sweet it Is (a Doc post)
There will never be a better show than the Honeymooners.
June 27, 1969 Doc is a Square Nixon Voter Working for the Man (a Dos post)
(The amount of expletives in this post prevents it from being reprinted here due slander laws and a temporary restraining order between Dos and Doc from 1969 to 1974)
September 21, 1977 Disco Sucks! (a Doc Post)
Finally Dos and I are in agreement. Let the blog continue again!
March 1, 1984
August 8, 1996
Hanson! Blind Melon! Grunge! Ducktales! 90s pop culture references!
November 16, 2002 High Five! (a Dos Post)
I am loving high fiving people in college! This is great! Free high fives here!
April 1, 2010 Warning: This Article May Contain Spoilers (a Dos Post)
Here is the thing; if you love a show or a movie, you think about it a lot...As we wait for Doc's response, I would like to leave you with this one last thought, wouldn't this blog be more enjoyable if I was able to leave you with a hint of what's to come?
Well, there you have it. Here is to 127 more years of bad jokes, complaints about no one reading our blog, worries of the blog ending, wrong predictions, fights about pop culture and anniversary themes posts! Good night and keep reading! (just kidding no one reads this blog)
March 1, 1884 Statue, We Don't need no Stinkin' Statue (a Doc post)
I do not understand why time and money is going to be spent building a statue of liberty when we know we are free and everyone else is not. I get it. We have liberty and everyone else is nuts. Isn't anyone suspicious about France giving us a statue that welcomes more immigrants to this country? This has got to be a trap. They are clearly trying to send more immigrants here. Sure France give us a statue. Thanks. Worst present ever.
April 24, 1898 No Chance of War with Spain (a Dos post)
I'm sure the American people will go to war with Spain. The government is going to shut down from not passing a budget and there will be no war with Spain.
December 22, 1908 The Last Emperor Stinks (a Doc post)
Great! So some young kid was crowned emperor in China. Now I am going to have to hear from Dos how he wants a crappy movie made about it. Boring.
November 11, 1918 If the Great War is over why do I still have to listen to Ragtime? (a Dos post)
...and so the Great War is over and since there will never be another one like it, I think it is time to list other things that should be over and never heard from again. Number one on my list; Ragtime. Since the 1890s I have had to suffer through fast piano bars with snazzy steps. They are not snazzy they stink. This one I think Doc will agree with me one. We need music that angrier, right Doc? (He loves his angry blues songs)....
October 23, 1929 Buy! Buy! Buy! (a Doc Post)
Boy are these 1920s roarin'! The good times are never going to end. I just bought a crap load of stock. At this rate, I will be able to stop working shortly.
October 24, 1929 Sell! Sell! Sell! Part II (a Dos post)
Told you bitches!
March 22, 1937 No Historical events To Reference (A Doc Post)
Man, nothing is happening today. Is this the end of the 3184 blog? Where is Dos? He has not posted in years. If he does not post shortly I think the blog is over. No one reads us anyway. I mean I put up a poll! What is wrong with you people? WE ARE SPINNING GOLD HERE!!!
February 13, 1943 Why Looney Tune shorts are Better than Disney Shorts (A Dos Post)
Doc is a fool in saying that Disney cartoon shorts are better than the Tunes. Mickey is soft on Nazism as well. I don't see him anywhere in the shorts with Hitler. Bugs and Daffy really kick Hitler's ass. Disney shorts. Bah!
May 13, 1955 How Sweet it Is (a Doc post)
There will never be a better show than the Honeymooners.
June 27, 1969 Doc is a Square Nixon Voter Working for the Man (a Dos post)
(The amount of expletives in this post prevents it from being reprinted here due slander laws and a temporary restraining order between Dos and Doc from 1969 to 1974)
September 21, 1977 Disco Sucks! (a Doc Post)
Finally Dos and I are in agreement. Let the blog continue again!
March 1, 1984
August 8, 1996
Hanson! Blind Melon! Grunge! Ducktales! 90s pop culture references!
November 16, 2002 High Five! (a Dos Post)
I am loving high fiving people in college! This is great! Free high fives here!
April 1, 2010 Warning: This Article May Contain Spoilers (a Dos Post)
Here is the thing; if you love a show or a movie, you think about it a lot...As we wait for Doc's response, I would like to leave you with this one last thought, wouldn't this blog be more enjoyable if I was able to leave you with a hint of what's to come?
Well, there you have it. Here is to 127 more years of bad jokes, complaints about no one reading our blog, worries of the blog ending, wrong predictions, fights about pop culture and anniversary themes posts! Good night and keep reading! (just kidding no one reads this blog)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
One Year!
Disclaimer: Please hold your applause until the end...
It was one year ago that the 3184 Blog began. I want to take a trip down memory lane, won't you join me?
Dos and Doc never really liked each other, but they knew something was there. Their first meeting occurred during freshman year in college. Dos ran around the halls high fiving everyone, while people avoided Doc due to wild and exaggerated rumors of his rage. They would see each other, Dos would throw up his hand for a high five, and they would go about their business. But before we go any further, let me explain the meaning behind these high fives.
As a child, none of the other kids would high five Dos. You see, he would often put his hands in places where no hand should be. As a result, his hands gave off a stank the like of which most people had never seen. He was hurt that no one would give him a high five. As he got older, he continually put his hand up in the air just hoping someone would slap it. College was a fresh start. No one knew what they were high fiving. But the damage is done. Dos was getting the recognition he always wanted. Anyway, this isn't the "Dos: Origin of the High Five" post, so lets move on.
It was not until they realized they had the same birthday that Dos and Doc became friends. Even more so, Doc thought to himself: "this guy is alright" when, during a game of Risk, Doc was able to fool Dos into believing they had an alliance, but instead waited for the right moment to make his move and wipe Dos out. To this day, Dos will not align himself with Doc in a game of Risk. In fact, Dos will usually play with the intent of destroying Doc. All because of one game a few years ago.
Not only did Dos and Doc have the same birthday, but they were born in the same hospital! Perhaps their meeting in college was fate? Perhaps in the hospital they mind blogged about some hot nurse? Or the annoying babies near them? Their destiny was to create this blog. This is the culmination of their friendship. That momental game of Risk proved they could tolerate each other long enough to create a blog together. It's been a lot of late nights and long hours keeping this blog going. There have been fights. And on more than one occasion this blog has almost met it's end. But they have endured. They endure for their readers.
So from the bottom of our hearts, we just want to thanks ALL of our readers. Thank you for the endless amount of comments. Words of encouragement. Suggestions. All you have done to keep this blog going. So thank you, ya bastards. (By the way, I am being sarcastic you worthless assholes. Thanks for nothing)
It was one year ago that the 3184 Blog began. I want to take a trip down memory lane, won't you join me?
Dos and Doc never really liked each other, but they knew something was there. Their first meeting occurred during freshman year in college. Dos ran around the halls high fiving everyone, while people avoided Doc due to wild and exaggerated rumors of his rage. They would see each other, Dos would throw up his hand for a high five, and they would go about their business. But before we go any further, let me explain the meaning behind these high fives.
As a child, none of the other kids would high five Dos. You see, he would often put his hands in places where no hand should be. As a result, his hands gave off a stank the like of which most people had never seen. He was hurt that no one would give him a high five. As he got older, he continually put his hand up in the air just hoping someone would slap it. College was a fresh start. No one knew what they were high fiving. But the damage is done. Dos was getting the recognition he always wanted. Anyway, this isn't the "Dos: Origin of the High Five" post, so lets move on.
It was not until they realized they had the same birthday that Dos and Doc became friends. Even more so, Doc thought to himself: "this guy is alright" when, during a game of Risk, Doc was able to fool Dos into believing they had an alliance, but instead waited for the right moment to make his move and wipe Dos out. To this day, Dos will not align himself with Doc in a game of Risk. In fact, Dos will usually play with the intent of destroying Doc. All because of one game a few years ago.
Not only did Dos and Doc have the same birthday, but they were born in the same hospital! Perhaps their meeting in college was fate? Perhaps in the hospital they mind blogged about some hot nurse? Or the annoying babies near them? Their destiny was to create this blog. This is the culmination of their friendship. That momental game of Risk proved they could tolerate each other long enough to create a blog together. It's been a lot of late nights and long hours keeping this blog going. There have been fights. And on more than one occasion this blog has almost met it's end. But they have endured. They endure for their readers.
So from the bottom of our hearts, we just want to thanks ALL of our readers. Thank you for the endless amount of comments. Words of encouragement. Suggestions. All you have done to keep this blog going. So thank you, ya bastards. (By the way, I am being sarcastic you worthless assholes. Thanks for nothing)
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