This post is going to be about why Playstation 3 is better than the Nintendo Wii. I won't even bother discussing the Xbox 360 because I can't fathom why any intelligent human being would purchase one. The Xbox was created for every douche out there. Seriously, how does it even exist? Ugh. But thats another argument for another time.
Now, I understand the merits of the Wii when it first came out. It got you active. Got you moving. More family friendly. Etc etc. But with the Playstation Move now out and about, there is no reason for the Wii to exist other than their exclusive games. The most obvious one being Mario.
The Playstation Move does everything the Wii is capable of, but better. Better at tracking movements and better graphics. Now, on top of that, the PS3 has more advanced in-depth games. Dos himself became addicted to Red Dead Redemption after just playing for a brief time. Which game is the better value, that or Kirby's Epic Yarn? Come on now!
The next MAJOR benefit of the PS3 is that it is a blu ray player as well. Even the Xbox 360 doesn't do this. Seriously, why does anyone buy a 360?!?!?!? So with the PS3, not only do you get a gaming system, but a blu ray player as well.
What else about the PS3 is great you ask? Well, online gaming is FREE and easy. Again, Xbox 360 charges you to play online (why does anybody buy xbox?!?!?!??!). Does the Wii even have online gaming? Nobody knows.
Other great features about the ps3 are that it is ready out of the box and overall, cheaper in the long run taking into account extra purchases you need to make for the 360 and wii. The PS3 Has Great Games To Satisfy the Mainstream and the More Discerning Gamer. The PS3 Has Lots of Multimedia and Non-gaming Features.
Based on the above reasons, the obvious choice for gaming is the Playstation 3. Wii is a good back up though, I will give it that. Xbox 360? You are a disgrace. Your controller is ridiculous and it boggles the mind that you are around. Go away.
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