I have read and re read and read Dos's post again and again. After careful consideration and discussing my options with friends and family, I have come to the only reasonable conclusion I can. It is with a heavy heart and deep sadness that I announce my retirement from the blog. It has occurred to me that I can not continue with it while my heart is no longer in it. I rather not do any posts at all than do half assed ones. The 3184 Blog is better than that. And you, our loyal readers, deserve better than that.
But lets not dwell on this. Lets remember the good times. The great candy debate of '10. Inceptiongate. Lucy vs the Honeymooners. Those few months we had polls on the site where Dos and I would vote numerous times or ask our stupid friends to vote because, quite frankly, we have no readers.
I have been planning on leaving the blog for some time now. This is why I have been creating recurring blog posts. I want to make the transition easy for Dos. He will continue on without me and the blog will be better for it. Perhaps in the future I will do a guest post here and there. But a full on return is years off.
I guess this is the part where I need to thank some people. Well, I'd like to thank no one but myself. Without me, none of this would have been possible.
I know Dos is reading this and I am sorry to say, this is how he is finding out about my departure, with the rest of you. I would like to give a few suggestions for names for the blog now that it will be Doc-less.
The 3184 Blog: Dos's Big Adventure
The 3184 Blog: Dos Strikes Back
The 3184 Blog: The Dos Fresca Story
The 3184 Blog: The Life and Times of Dos
The 3184 Blog: Los Dos - Tengo las pelotas grandes
The 3184 Blog: Damn you for leaving Doc!
The 3184 Blog: Dos Vs Dos
Well guys, thats a wrap for me. I hope I was able to entertain at least someone with my stupid rants and random posts. I hope you all keep reading the Doc-less 3184 blog. I can't promise I will. In fact, this will probably be the last time I ever come here. Why is that? Do I plan on creating a Doc only blog that will be a million times better, and Dos free, than this?! Nah. 3184 for life! But seriously, I am just messing with you. I am not leaving. Why would I leave the wonderful 3184 community. I wonder at what point Dos realized this was a sham? I just wanted to make you realize what was at stake if you don't keep reading. So, tell your friends about us!
Shooting nonsensical thoughts into the void of the internet for no one to read.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
A Call for a Return to Normalcy; or A Post About Doc's Posts
Hey Doc! Why don't you do some better posts? Yeah, your right. One of my many jobs affords me time to write a post at work. Should I be penalized for this? Yeah, I guess I should because when I don't have time here to post I can go months without posting. Fair enough Doc. You got me on that one. I mean call the blog police and take me away for a violation of code 29b-6. Guilty as charged. However, here is the thing; Doc's posts kind of stink. They do. Don't look at me that way. I am just trying to tell you my honest feelings. His posts tend to be, how can I say this nicely, pretty damn bad. They are short, filled with pictures that I do not care for, about things I don't care for and they do not mention me enough. I miss the days of the blog when it was back and forth with the fighting and the arguing. I mean in this new mode, I have done some wonderful posts. That thoughtful examination of the Spalding Gray movie represented a true highlight for this blog. Doc's posts showing batman in posters from modern directors....not so much. Hey, no one said the truth wasn't going to hurt.
They are also really short. Did I say that yet? I mean really short. Doc used to give us some long posts about interesting topics. These are just blurbs about random things he has found online. I don't mind that they are random things he found online. That is fine. We actually are a random thing online. It is the blurbs. He is not telling us anything about these things he is just presenting them to us. We, as readers, expect more from him. Where is that trademark Doc cynical wit? Where is his wonderfully warped take on all of life's problems? Where have all the cowboys gone? We are left with a shell of his formal blog posting self. I don't know if Doc is having personal problems, and to be honest I do not really care. I just want his old posts back at any cost.
So, what am I prepared to do to bring the old Doc back? Well, I am certainly prepared to insult him. So, check there. Doc is dumb in the way that he is not posting like he used to. I am also quite prepared to make a whole post about this situation. So, check there too. I have done what I can and have spoken for the people who want their leader to return to a golden age. Will it work? Will I have to do another post like this until it happens? I don't know the answer to these questions. I only know that this is not the golden age of the blog. This is after the gold rush territory. Except with my posts, which are still good. Great even. Yeah, I am a pretty good blogger. Anyway, Doc please let us know what is going on so we can get your old posting self back. I and your readers are will to help you in anyway we can, except through money, spending time listening to your problems and basically any effort on our part. We have things to do too you know. It is crazy that you expect us to take time out to help you do your job. Just make with the good blog posts again.
This post is paid for by the citizens for doc making better posts.
They are also really short. Did I say that yet? I mean really short. Doc used to give us some long posts about interesting topics. These are just blurbs about random things he has found online. I don't mind that they are random things he found online. That is fine. We actually are a random thing online. It is the blurbs. He is not telling us anything about these things he is just presenting them to us. We, as readers, expect more from him. Where is that trademark Doc cynical wit? Where is his wonderfully warped take on all of life's problems? Where have all the cowboys gone? We are left with a shell of his formal blog posting self. I don't know if Doc is having personal problems, and to be honest I do not really care. I just want his old posts back at any cost.
So, what am I prepared to do to bring the old Doc back? Well, I am certainly prepared to insult him. So, check there. Doc is dumb in the way that he is not posting like he used to. I am also quite prepared to make a whole post about this situation. So, check there too. I have done what I can and have spoken for the people who want their leader to return to a golden age. Will it work? Will I have to do another post like this until it happens? I don't know the answer to these questions. I only know that this is not the golden age of the blog. This is after the gold rush territory. Except with my posts, which are still good. Great even. Yeah, I am a pretty good blogger. Anyway, Doc please let us know what is going on so we can get your old posting self back. I and your readers are will to help you in anyway we can, except through money, spending time listening to your problems and basically any effort on our part. We have things to do too you know. It is crazy that you expect us to take time out to help you do your job. Just make with the good blog posts again.
This post is paid for by the citizens for doc making better posts.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Docs Pic of the Week
Bonus Post! Getting it in just in time. Three pics I came across that tickled my fancy. Of course, comic related. Dr. Strange really needs to get more love than he does.
Three Things
So I am really just gonna do a quick post here so Dos has something to do at work Monday morning. Quite frankly, I believe if Dos didn't have the time and a computer at work, he would never even work on this blog. Unlike my self, who really wants to go to sleep right now but is staying up to have something ready for the morning. Keep the wheels a spinnin.
So I will now list my three favorite things. With no explanations. And then I will list Dos's three favorite things. Also, with no explanations.
1. Movies
2. Working Out
3. Pizza
4. Video games/tech/fantasy/sci fi/comics
A lil more than 3, but, eh
1. Muppets
2. Movies
3. Monty Python (really just gonna keep going with the M theme here)
So I will now list my three favorite things. With no explanations. And then I will list Dos's three favorite things. Also, with no explanations.
1. Movies
2. Working Out
3. Pizza
4. Video games/tech/fantasy/sci fi/comics
A lil more than 3, but, eh
1. Muppets
2. Movies
3. Monty Python (really just gonna keep going with the M theme here)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Son of Wacky Wednesday Quote
Hey everybody! Do you know what time it is? That's right it is wacky Wednesday quote time! This is the time of the week when we look outside our own sphere and find some interesting quotes from around the Internet. Sometimes it is from a politician who has said some bizarre things. Other times it words of wisdom to help us live our lives better by a scholar. Today is a special wacky Wednesday quote. It was one taken from a modern day wordsmith and is guaranteed to blow you away. So, without and further adieu here is our wacky Wednesday Quote:
"I don't ask you for permission to put up xmen pics lol" - Doc
Now, I know this quote will stay with you for days and I would really like you to think about it and try to incorporate it into your own philosophy.
Goodnight everybody!
"I don't ask you for permission to put up xmen pics lol" - Doc
Now, I know this quote will stay with you for days and I would really like you to think about it and try to incorporate it into your own philosophy.
Goodnight everybody!
A 3184 Special Event: Behind the Scenes of Dos vs. Doc
Hi, I'm Dos from the incredibly widely read blog, the 3184 blog. In the past years, we have become a true fixture of American popular culture. No one has to explain what inceptiongate is anymore. The word has become a part of the American language. We are in talks of turning our blog into a movie and a TV series with netflix. During our rise to fame, we have been constantly asked the same question by average people, presidents, royalty and scholars. What is your secret to making such an immensely popular blog? Obviously, there is no formula. Some things stick with the American public and some do not. Well, what I will do is give you a glimpse into how one month worth of blog posts are made and maybe you will be able to catch a little bit of that magic that other blogs have been unable to find.
At the beginning of every month a staff of 12 writers sit around and brainstorm ideas. As the main talent of the blog, Doc and I are not involved in this part of the process. We are usually playing golf on one of Scotland's fabulous greens. These 12 writers, whose names I don't recall, throw around several ideas for the blog. These ideas are sent to our secretary who reads them to us over the phone. With a simple yes or no we decide which ideas are accepted and which are denied. In fact, I once fired a writer during one of these phone calls for suggesting that I write a post about the video game Q-bert.
The second week of the month is when Doc and I go to Columbia to get our....ugh...medication. Since we are busy the 12 writers start working on writing the posts for the month. Now, these are in a very rough draft form. That Dos and Doc magic is not infused into it yet. They will have to wait for us to get our hands on it for that to occur. The rough drafts then get faxed over to our animation studios in Korea. Doc and I are both illiterate, so we need these posts to be turned into cartoons so we can understand what the writers are suggesting. Week two ends with Doc and I viewing the suggested posts for the month, in cartoon form, and either giving it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
During week three, the transcripts of these cartoons are then given to our secretary who re-types them in blog post form. She also edits them as she feels to make them better. On week four everything is completed and our secretary starts posting the blog posts in any order she feel comfortable with. She randomly applies my name or Doc's name to each post.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this behind the scenes view of the 3184 blog. As you can see, Doc and I work tirelessly for a month to get you this incredibly detained and nuanced posts. Only the best for our readers! And now, to fill up space and make this post look longer, some random words and punctuation marks:
Chicken blunt horseradish! Nose army, cool hurt luck. Flippy tin can man. Arsenal bratwurst hockey goof chagrin. Monster like turkey but beer cheap rung. Tick lap Nantucket. Forth last park wacko stick up town. Hip antidisestablishmentarianism fop. Chicken!
At the beginning of every month a staff of 12 writers sit around and brainstorm ideas. As the main talent of the blog, Doc and I are not involved in this part of the process. We are usually playing golf on one of Scotland's fabulous greens. These 12 writers, whose names I don't recall, throw around several ideas for the blog. These ideas are sent to our secretary who reads them to us over the phone. With a simple yes or no we decide which ideas are accepted and which are denied. In fact, I once fired a writer during one of these phone calls for suggesting that I write a post about the video game Q-bert.
The second week of the month is when Doc and I go to Columbia to get our....ugh...medication. Since we are busy the 12 writers start working on writing the posts for the month. Now, these are in a very rough draft form. That Dos and Doc magic is not infused into it yet. They will have to wait for us to get our hands on it for that to occur. The rough drafts then get faxed over to our animation studios in Korea. Doc and I are both illiterate, so we need these posts to be turned into cartoons so we can understand what the writers are suggesting. Week two ends with Doc and I viewing the suggested posts for the month, in cartoon form, and either giving it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
During week three, the transcripts of these cartoons are then given to our secretary who re-types them in blog post form. She also edits them as she feels to make them better. On week four everything is completed and our secretary starts posting the blog posts in any order she feel comfortable with. She randomly applies my name or Doc's name to each post.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this behind the scenes view of the 3184 blog. As you can see, Doc and I work tirelessly for a month to get you this incredibly detained and nuanced posts. Only the best for our readers! And now, to fill up space and make this post look longer, some random words and punctuation marks:
Chicken blunt horseradish! Nose army, cool hurt luck. Flippy tin can man. Arsenal bratwurst hockey goof chagrin. Monster like turkey but beer cheap rung. Tick lap Nantucket. Forth last park wacko stick up town. Hip antidisestablishmentarianism fop. Chicken!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I have to agree with you, B.
This fine young gentleman makes a lot of good points. How the fuck are we supposed to say capitalism is better than communism when we owe China buckets of money. When the billions upon billions of them decide they are ready to cash that check, we are all gonna be working in sweatshops over there!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Another day, another idiotic quote from Rick Santorum. Santorum told supporters at the conservative Tea Party movement at a Columbus hotel that Obama's agenda is "not about you. It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs. It's about some phony ideal. Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology."
When asked about the statement at a news conference later, Santorum said, "If the president says he's a Christian, he's a Christian." But Santorum did not back down from the assertion that Obama's values run against those of Christianity. "He is imposing his values on the Christian church. He can categorize those values anyway he wants. I'm not going to," Santorum told reporters.
Man do I hate this guy. When lunatics like this run for office, our country goes to shit. Do we really want to base how we run our lives on a fictional piece of work (The Bible)? This dick head would rather see every couple out there have as many kids as possible despite how poor their economic standing can be. Sure, lets give more tax cuts to everyone that has more kids. He would rather them become a burden on society than better themselves and our country.
Listen, Rick. Take your preachy bullshit somewhere else. You, Newt and that rich mormon asshole Romney can all go live together on one of Newt's moon bases and the rest of us can worry about how we will improve this country and better the lives of its citizens.
When asked about the statement at a news conference later, Santorum said, "If the president says he's a Christian, he's a Christian." But Santorum did not back down from the assertion that Obama's values run against those of Christianity. "He is imposing his values on the Christian church. He can categorize those values anyway he wants. I'm not going to," Santorum told reporters.
Man do I hate this guy. When lunatics like this run for office, our country goes to shit. Do we really want to base how we run our lives on a fictional piece of work (The Bible)? This dick head would rather see every couple out there have as many kids as possible despite how poor their economic standing can be. Sure, lets give more tax cuts to everyone that has more kids. He would rather them become a burden on society than better themselves and our country.
Listen, Rick. Take your preachy bullshit somewhere else. You, Newt and that rich mormon asshole Romney can all go live together on one of Newt's moon bases and the rest of us can worry about how we will improve this country and better the lives of its citizens.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Inspiration or Duplication?
Lets all give Dos a round of applause. He put a lot of time and effort into that article. Granted, I did not read more than 3 sentences of it. Something about people not being able to lie (I actually had a movie idea about this same scenario!) and someone getting into a car crash at the end of the movie (Dammit Dos, spoiler alert!!). But anyway, unless you have seen or heard of that movie, that article was boooooooring. Snooze alert! And unless you like comics, or classical music, you will find this post boring as well.
When it comes to scoring movies, everyone knows Hans Zimmer is the man. From Gladiator, to The Last Samurai, to Inception, to the Batman movies, his scores are incredible. But what if they aren't completely his own work? Did Mr. Zimmer sample someone else's creation? Lets watch the video below that looks into that very notion.
After watching this, you can see the two pieces sound exactly the same. But I don't think he just wanted to steal the work and pass it off as his own. He is too talented for that. I think this is just simply a case of Zimmer showing respect for a piece of work that influenced and had an impact on him. And the hopes of getting that composer some recognition. Well, it worked, because I am about to download some other works by Francis Lai. Mystery solved.
When it comes to scoring movies, everyone knows Hans Zimmer is the man. From Gladiator, to The Last Samurai, to Inception, to the Batman movies, his scores are incredible. But what if they aren't completely his own work? Did Mr. Zimmer sample someone else's creation? Lets watch the video below that looks into that very notion.
After watching this, you can see the two pieces sound exactly the same. But I don't think he just wanted to steal the work and pass it off as his own. He is too talented for that. I think this is just simply a case of Zimmer showing respect for a piece of work that influenced and had an impact on him. And the hopes of getting that composer some recognition. Well, it worked, because I am about to download some other works by Francis Lai. Mystery solved.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Gray Area

I finished watching the movie Nixon last night. A movie that I have seen before and uses a very unique visual style to explain an exaggerated version of Richard Nixon's life. It did not thrill me as much as it did the previous times I have seen it and I was desperate to watch another historical film on a president that would give me the spark that this one was lacking. I started to browse netflix and then I saw the poster above. I don't even know how I heard about it or saw it, but the poster in question looked familiar to me when I saw it on the netflix watch instantly homepage. I can not explain, nor remember why, but it gave me the feeling of, "oh I have been meaning to watch this." As far as I can recollect, this is probably far from the truth. Anyway, I put it on and I was faced with the nightmare of a movie that was mocked in The Invention of Lying. There was a table on a stage and a black curtain behind it. A man walked on to the stage, sat down at the table, placed a notebook on the table, opened the notebook and started to talk about his life. The man was Spalding Gray and I was soon to learn that he was a monologist. I also learned that there is such a profession as a monologist. All this guy does is go on stage and talk about his life. More than that, I learned that this was a documentary, directed by Steven Soderbergh. All Soderbergh did was edit together a bunch of Gray's unreleased monologues so that the story of his life was in chronological order. This meant that I was in store for a host of strange edits of Gray talking on a coach, then suddenly talking on a stage and back and forth through the years. Yes, this implies that there were released monologues. Apparently, he released several films just giving monologues and they were mostly directed by famous directors.
"I will give myself five minutes with this and then I will turn this off. This way I can say that I gave it a chance," I thought to myself. Then I have no idea what happened next. In a flash the movie was over. Gray is not particularly funny, although I did laugh out loud at times. Gray's life is not particularly interesting, although I was eager to hear what was to happen next at times. Gray did not really have any good lines that I could use as quotes to share with others, although his words were kind of interesting. I do know this though, I have been thinking about this movie a lot since I saw it. It was very rememberable, not only for its novelty, but because Gray is so amazing at what he does. He just gets up there and explains his joys, fears and stories of everyday life. He is a true storyteller in an almost ancient tradition of the word. I found myself going back to specific parts of the movie, once it ended, to hear my favorite parts again. This kind of goes back to my previous post, as I think one of the reasons I enjoyed Gray's monologues so much is that he makes me feel sane. Through expressing fears and joys that I have only thought about in my head out loud, a strange thing happens. The audience represents Gray's chance to unload all the problems in his life and for the audience, Gray represents a reminder that their inner thoughts and fears are something that everyone experiences without saying it out loud and sharing it with others. Also, he is just increadibly entertaining. I do plan on trying to seek out the his other films.
The title of the film, And Everything is Going Fine, suits the film perfectly. In fact, it represents my favorite scene in the film. I am very hesitant to describe any of the scenes in the film as I will not do them the same justice as Gray saying things in his own words. However, I feel the need to make an exception here. Gray is describing a trip to his father and step mother's house. He keeps interrupting the flow of the story by saying "and everything is going fine except..." finished in with the next problem. This tactic implies that his father and step-mother are going to all these lengths to try to act and make everything in their house and lives fine except for the next problem which is about to come along. There always is a next problem in life, it is never going to end. Until it does, which is perhaps the biggest problem. However, when Gray is speaking and telling about his life without any lies, as messy, crazy and as ugly as it really is, he does it with a constant sense of how funny this all could be seen because it all is so messy, crazy and ugly. In this way, everything really is fine. It is fine because life is seen clearly and examined as it is. Gray is not a comedian, not everything out of his mouth is funny and rarely anything he says is hilarious. Still, he does something that comedians try to do and often fail. He allows us an insight into another person's life and it is almost therapeutic. And, if only for those few brief moments when he is talking, everything really is going fine.
However, it was the ending of the film that shocked me the most. Gray got into a car accident while vactioning in Ireland and had such damage to his mind and body that he eventually commited suicide. The movie does not make a big deal out of this as it is a tribute to his life and career and does not want, or need, to spend too long on his death. Still, it makes one pause and reflect on every aspect of the film once again.
And Everything is Going Fine.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Doc's Pic of the Week
Welcome to another new recurring post on the 3184 blog that I would like to call "Doc's Pic of the Week." It can come at any time, so watch out. I like that this blog now has recurring topics to throw out there each week. It will make it easier for us to have something to talk about. As well as give our loyal fans something to look forward to. And by loyal fans, I mean Dos and Doc. Because I am pretty sure, we are our biggest, and only, fans.
The pic below is something I came across this week that I thought was pretty bad ass. I would definitely love to see this version of Wolverine on the big screen one day!
The pic below is something I came across this week that I thought was pretty bad ass. I would definitely love to see this version of Wolverine on the big screen one day!
Wacky Wednesday Quote!!
So I think Dos started off what I will now dub "Wacky Wednesday Quote." This will be an ongoing feature every Wednesday on the site. It can be a quote from a politician, actor, athlete, celebrity, etc. We will then make fun of them for how incredibly stupid they are.
Regarding the below post, all I gotta say is, fuck is wrong with you Rick Santorum?! I really do not know what else to say about it. I am at a loss for words about how this man can be so close to being the leader of this country. I think I would rather live with Newt on his moon colony than have this man be my leader.
Quite frankly, there is not one Republican candidate I would want to endorse. The only one I could in good conscience support is Ron Paul. He is the only one who says something on Sunday, then will say the same thing on Monday. He sticks to what he believes.
Regarding the below post, all I gotta say is, fuck is wrong with you Rick Santorum?! I really do not know what else to say about it. I am at a loss for words about how this man can be so close to being the leader of this country. I think I would rather live with Newt on his moon colony than have this man be my leader.
Quite frankly, there is not one Republican candidate I would want to endorse. The only one I could in good conscience support is Ron Paul. He is the only one who says something on Sunday, then will say the same thing on Monday. He sticks to what he believes.
The Wikiquote Page for Rick Santorum Can Provide Enough Fuel for Me to Write a Decent Sized Post on The 3184 Blog
If you have not realized yet, and when I say "you" I mean nobody because nobody actually reads this blog, I have been really into reading quotes recently. My last two posts had quotes as key features in them. I went to go look for some quotes today and I realized that I have been going about this quote thing all wrong. I don't want to look up good quotes that express how I already feel about something. What a waste of time that is! I want to look up dumb quotes by dumb people and have a good laugh about it. Now, when I think of dumb the first thing that pops into my head is Rick Santorum. I am not saying that Rick Santorum is dumb, I am just saying that those two words some how remind me of one another. Like when you play word association. You say Rick Santorum, I say dumb. It just happens, kind of like how I relate black lung with coal miners. So, my first stop on the dumb quote train line was Santorumville and I have learned a lot. There are many a lesson that can be taken from this wise sage. So, in addition to sharing this quotes with you, I will also share what Professor Santorum has taught me. Here we go:
"In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing."
Lesson # 1: People who are against gay marriage are not really against gays. They are protecting us against bestiality.
"As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else. It's being drawn to Iraq. You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don't want the eye to come back to the United States."
Lesson # 2 and #3: If there is war in Iraq, then there is no war in the United States. Lord of the Rings is an excellent source of advice on foreign affairs.
"The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical. And that is what the perception is by the American left who hates Christendom."
Lesson #4, #5 and #6: Arguing over why the Crusades happened relates to modern American politics. Everybody who is on the American left hates Christianity, even those who are Christians. When the crusaders went to capture the holy land from the Muslims, that was 100% the Muslims fault.
"The reason Social Security is in big trouble is we don't have enough workers to support the retirees. Well, a third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion, because one in three pregnancies end in abortion."
Lesson #7: Seriously? Do I really have to explain how this one makes no sense hidden in a fake lesson?
There are more. Trust me there are more. This is the man who took the lead recently in the Republican primaries. If these quotes leave you with a loss for words, let me leave you with one final quote, not by Santorum.
"Ron Paul may be the wackiest candidate in the GOP field. But for pure, blind stupidity, nobody beats Santorum. In my 20 years in the Senate, I never met a dumber member, which he reminded me of today."
Mark Salter, aide of John McCain, Facebook, 2011-05-17, quoted in Sargent, Greg (17 May 2011), "Happy Hour Roundup", The Plum Line (Washington Post), retrieved on 2011-05-19
referring to Santorum's 2011-05-17 statement that John McCain "doesn't understand how enhanced interrogation works"
"In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing."
Lesson # 1: People who are against gay marriage are not really against gays. They are protecting us against bestiality.
"As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else. It's being drawn to Iraq. You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don't want the eye to come back to the United States."
Lesson # 2 and #3: If there is war in Iraq, then there is no war in the United States. Lord of the Rings is an excellent source of advice on foreign affairs.
"The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical. And that is what the perception is by the American left who hates Christendom."
Lesson #4, #5 and #6: Arguing over why the Crusades happened relates to modern American politics. Everybody who is on the American left hates Christianity, even those who are Christians. When the crusaders went to capture the holy land from the Muslims, that was 100% the Muslims fault.
"The reason Social Security is in big trouble is we don't have enough workers to support the retirees. Well, a third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion, because one in three pregnancies end in abortion."
Lesson #7: Seriously? Do I really have to explain how this one makes no sense hidden in a fake lesson?
There are more. Trust me there are more. This is the man who took the lead recently in the Republican primaries. If these quotes leave you with a loss for words, let me leave you with one final quote, not by Santorum.
"Ron Paul may be the wackiest candidate in the GOP field. But for pure, blind stupidity, nobody beats Santorum. In my 20 years in the Senate, I never met a dumber member, which he reminded me of today."
Mark Salter, aide of John McCain, Facebook, 2011-05-17, quoted in Sargent, Greg (17 May 2011), "Happy Hour Roundup", The Plum Line (Washington Post), retrieved on 2011-05-19
referring to Santorum's 2011-05-17 statement that John McCain "doesn't understand how enhanced interrogation works"
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Shit just got real
Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. This blog used to be funny. But Dos just made it real. That was serious. All I got from that was that Dos hates people. And needs tv and movies to escape from reality. These are the ramblings of what sounds like a future serial killer to me!
Ok, I kid, I kid. Dos made a lot of good points there. He did, however, make some very very false ones. Lets delve into those first, shall we.
"I own an insane amount of DVDs"
Dos owns maybe 200. This day and age, that is not very many. He himself has admitted to me that he is more and more reliant on streaming video over actual physical content. And that is the future, so he is smart to abandon his dreams of owning as many dvds as possible. Also, if you are gonna brag, at least brag about your blu ray collection! DVDs are so 90s.
That is actually that only thing about his post I can argue about. The rest was surprisingly spot on. Like Dos, I find most people to be annoying, ignorant assholes. And popular culture, wether it be movies, tv, music, books or comics, are my escape from the world we live in and these people that inhabit it.
Why can't everyone be like Dos and I? We are fairly smart. Ok, maybe not "book" smart, but we get the world. But then again, there could be a number of people who look at us and think, whats wrong with those idiots? So really, who is to say who is right? Well, right now, we are! Because we control this blog and what we say goes. So yeah, fuck you and your stupid banter small-talk. Nobody cares that your stupid kid didn't shit his pants for once. You got a raise? Good for you, dick.
Quite frankly, I don't even know what I really wanted to talk about when I started this post. But, Dos got me all riled up now and angry at the world. So yeah, bottom line, people in general are assholes. Popular culture is our escape. Goodnight.
Ok, I kid, I kid. Dos made a lot of good points there. He did, however, make some very very false ones. Lets delve into those first, shall we.
"I own an insane amount of DVDs"
Dos owns maybe 200. This day and age, that is not very many. He himself has admitted to me that he is more and more reliant on streaming video over actual physical content. And that is the future, so he is smart to abandon his dreams of owning as many dvds as possible. Also, if you are gonna brag, at least brag about your blu ray collection! DVDs are so 90s.
That is actually that only thing about his post I can argue about. The rest was surprisingly spot on. Like Dos, I find most people to be annoying, ignorant assholes. And popular culture, wether it be movies, tv, music, books or comics, are my escape from the world we live in and these people that inhabit it.
Why can't everyone be like Dos and I? We are fairly smart. Ok, maybe not "book" smart, but we get the world. But then again, there could be a number of people who look at us and think, whats wrong with those idiots? So really, who is to say who is right? Well, right now, we are! Because we control this blog and what we say goes. So yeah, fuck you and your stupid banter small-talk. Nobody cares that your stupid kid didn't shit his pants for once. You got a raise? Good for you, dick.
Quite frankly, I don't even know what I really wanted to talk about when I started this post. But, Dos got me all riled up now and angry at the world. So yeah, bottom line, people in general are assholes. Popular culture is our escape. Goodnight.
Very Good Advice
"When you get to my age, and I'm 66 now, you realize that the world is a madhouse and that most people are operating in fantasy anyway. So once you realise that, it doesn't bother you much." - John Cleese on trying to understand why people protested his film, Life of Brian.
It is true, my life is far too influenced by popular culture. I own an insane amount of DVDs, I like talking to people about popular culture and I get a unique thrill from discovering some old film from the 1930s on youtube or netflix that is hilariously blunt in its racism. Most of my philosophy on life does not come from Kant, Heidigger, Hume or Nietzsche. In fact, I only was able to list those philosophers so quickly because of a song I know about philosophers. My influences are Muppets, Monty Python, Mel Brooks, Stanley Kubrick, Wes Anderson and a host of others. I do wonder why this is. I have been exposed to a very strong liberal arts education and yet I find myself constantly drawn to popular culture as opposed to more intellectual persuits.
In addition to my obsession, there are some more quirks of my personality that I must make you aware of before we arrive at the point. Mainly this is about how I hate everything. I look at this world and I see a lot wrong. Things get on my nerves very quickly. By things I mean people. I am fairly well read in politics, but I am aware of the fact that if I get myself into it too deeply, I will be increadibly angry all the time about the amount of corruption and sheer stupidity of the people running our country. I like talking with people, but I know that if I had to make small talk everyday of my life I would kill myself. Most people are so self-interested and blindsided by there attempt to lie to themselves about how amazing they are that talking to them for too long really does my head in. Now, you may agree with me on this or, and most likely, you disagree and think that I am the lunatic and have a bad view of human nature and life in general.
Now, we have arrived at the point and the quote above, which I agree with. In order, to live a life where I am not walking around angry all the time I have to realize what that quote is trying to convey to me. This is the way that the world is. This is the shape of the game board that we are all playing. The world is indeed an absolute madhouse. People are operating under a fantasy. They do not see the world the way that it really is. They do not see themselves as they really are. This realization means three basic things to me.
1. I have to do whatever I can to not be like these people. I do want to see the world and myself accuratly and not exist in a fantasy.
2. I have to realize these facts and be ok with it, so it does not drive me mad.
3. When I do escape in fantasy through TV or movies, I want it to reflect perfectlty the insanity of this world.
All of the popular culture that I do like has the common theme of this in it. I realize this now. They all show the absolute craziness of life. They make me feel better about it because someone else is realizing how insane people are. I need this to be confirmed constantly. I need to know that there other people out there who feel the same way I do about these things. That is why I need to have a large DVD collection, talk about what I like and dislike in popular culture and find bizaree relics from the past to make fun of. This world has always been insane. It always will be insane. People have always been selfish and lived in fantasy worlds they create for themselves not based on any facts. People always will be this way too. It is the act of becoming ok with this and having it confrimed that I need to get me through all of the ups and downs. I think that is some very good advice. At some point you realize that the world is not going to change and that you have to make some sort of peace with it. Here is my peace. I worship the alter of popular culture because it is the only thing that explains to me the world as it really is by showing an exaggerated form of it.
It is true, my life is far too influenced by popular culture. I own an insane amount of DVDs, I like talking to people about popular culture and I get a unique thrill from discovering some old film from the 1930s on youtube or netflix that is hilariously blunt in its racism. Most of my philosophy on life does not come from Kant, Heidigger, Hume or Nietzsche. In fact, I only was able to list those philosophers so quickly because of a song I know about philosophers. My influences are Muppets, Monty Python, Mel Brooks, Stanley Kubrick, Wes Anderson and a host of others. I do wonder why this is. I have been exposed to a very strong liberal arts education and yet I find myself constantly drawn to popular culture as opposed to more intellectual persuits.
In addition to my obsession, there are some more quirks of my personality that I must make you aware of before we arrive at the point. Mainly this is about how I hate everything. I look at this world and I see a lot wrong. Things get on my nerves very quickly. By things I mean people. I am fairly well read in politics, but I am aware of the fact that if I get myself into it too deeply, I will be increadibly angry all the time about the amount of corruption and sheer stupidity of the people running our country. I like talking with people, but I know that if I had to make small talk everyday of my life I would kill myself. Most people are so self-interested and blindsided by there attempt to lie to themselves about how amazing they are that talking to them for too long really does my head in. Now, you may agree with me on this or, and most likely, you disagree and think that I am the lunatic and have a bad view of human nature and life in general.
Now, we have arrived at the point and the quote above, which I agree with. In order, to live a life where I am not walking around angry all the time I have to realize what that quote is trying to convey to me. This is the way that the world is. This is the shape of the game board that we are all playing. The world is indeed an absolute madhouse. People are operating under a fantasy. They do not see the world the way that it really is. They do not see themselves as they really are. This realization means three basic things to me.
1. I have to do whatever I can to not be like these people. I do want to see the world and myself accuratly and not exist in a fantasy.
2. I have to realize these facts and be ok with it, so it does not drive me mad.
3. When I do escape in fantasy through TV or movies, I want it to reflect perfectlty the insanity of this world.
All of the popular culture that I do like has the common theme of this in it. I realize this now. They all show the absolute craziness of life. They make me feel better about it because someone else is realizing how insane people are. I need this to be confirmed constantly. I need to know that there other people out there who feel the same way I do about these things. That is why I need to have a large DVD collection, talk about what I like and dislike in popular culture and find bizaree relics from the past to make fun of. This world has always been insane. It always will be insane. People have always been selfish and lived in fantasy worlds they create for themselves not based on any facts. People always will be this way too. It is the act of becoming ok with this and having it confrimed that I need to get me through all of the ups and downs. I think that is some very good advice. At some point you realize that the world is not going to change and that you have to make some sort of peace with it. Here is my peace. I worship the alter of popular culture because it is the only thing that explains to me the world as it really is by showing an exaggerated form of it.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Chickens. Classic.
So the blog is back, for now, and for Dos' first post, he chose to talk about a quote about chickens. It was a funny quote and I am glad Dos shared it with us. However, there is a bigger issue here. What is Dos' obsession with chickens?!?!
Since I have know him, they continually get referenced. Yet, he doesn't eat meat, so it's not like his obsession stems from how delicious they are. No, there is something else going on here. I believe it has to do with the Muppets. And quite frankly, based on the video below, it is hard to blame Dos. But lets remember, this isn't the Muppet Chicken's blog. So from this point forward, unless we are talking about how delicious and good for you chicken is, they will never* be referenced again.
*I can in no way enforce this and in fact expect chickens to be mentioned numerous times in the days and years to follow. Thank you for your cooperation.
Since I have know him, they continually get referenced. Yet, he doesn't eat meat, so it's not like his obsession stems from how delicious they are. No, there is something else going on here. I believe it has to do with the Muppets. And quite frankly, based on the video below, it is hard to blame Dos. But lets remember, this isn't the Muppet Chicken's blog. So from this point forward, unless we are talking about how delicious and good for you chicken is, they will never* be referenced again.
*I can in no way enforce this and in fact expect chickens to be mentioned numerous times in the days and years to follow. Thank you for your cooperation.
A Chicken Quote I happen to Like: Or Experimenting with the Random New Set Up with the Blog
Well, this new blog, like the new youth culture, has me all bug a booed. I do not know if we will be reviewing popular culture or just posting random things we like. I am going to assume the latter. So, we have seen what this looks like from the Doc side and here is the Dos side:
Hey everyone! I found a quote about a chicken that I happen to like! Enjoy the new blog!
Well they are very frightening for me because their stupidity is so flat. You look into the eyes of a chicken and you lose yourself in a completely flat, frightening stupidity. They are like a great metaphor for me... I kind of love chicken, but they frighten me more than any other animal.
- Werner Herzog, on the Signs of Life (1968) DVD audio commentary (2005).
Enjoy the new face of the blog 3184ers!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
What if...
Recently, the Los Angeles Times commissioned graphic artist Sean Hartter to design 15 different visions of a new Batman by some of the finest filmmakers in the world. What if Batman was directed by Matthew Vaughn, Todd Phillips, Wes Anderson, Rob Marshall, Brad Bird, Guillermo del Toro, Ang Lee, Catherine Hardwicke, Guy Ritchie, Martin Scorsese, Hayao Miyazaki, Neill Blomkamp, Tim Burton, Zack Snyder or Ridley Scott? Well, I believe the images below will give you an idea.
3184: A New Beginning
So I will be the first to admit, we fucked up. The blog as we had envisioned it, was unsustainable. Dos and I do not disagree on enough topics to continue doing this for an unlimited amount of time. Initially, the goal of this blog was to offer two views to a number of topics while bringing some chuckles along the way. Turns out, we covered everything we disagree on.
So now, I present to you the new and improved 3184 blog. Where we specialize in bringing you the best in popular culture! Well, not really the best, but whatever we feel like discussing. I questioned whether or not to keep the old articles on here or just start fresh. But I think its important to see how the blog began. Rather than start over, we can look back at where we came from. See our mistakes. Make improvements. To new beginnings!
So now, I present to you the new and improved 3184 blog. Where we specialize in bringing you the best in popular culture! Well, not really the best, but whatever we feel like discussing. I questioned whether or not to keep the old articles on here or just start fresh. But I think its important to see how the blog began. Rather than start over, we can look back at where we came from. See our mistakes. Make improvements. To new beginnings!
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