I loved my Ghostbuster firehouse so much that I refused to poor the free ooze that came with it through the roof, like the box said you were supposed to. I was not gonna sit there and let that amazing structure be ruined in any manner. While Doc was throwing his Joes off roofs to see if the parachute went off properly (we all know that it very rarly did), I was saving the world with the only four people who mattered to me, Peter Venchman, Egon Spangler, Ray Stanz and Winston Zedamore. Please note that I looked none of these names up, I still know them. The movies were on while I played and one other thing was on. The greatest item that I have ever owned. An actual ghostbuster jump suit. I know that my new obsession with LOST is only due to their use of jump suits in the Dharam Initiative and how it reminds me of the good old Ghostbuster days.
I realize that I am in no way arguing that these toys were the best. I am just explaing how I owned them and loved them. So, let me now make this clear why they were the best, before I continue describing all of the toys I miss. There are no ghosts around right now. Do you see any ghosts? No, you don't and that is all because of me. I also had the Ghostbster guns and traps. So, when Doc spent his days playing with toys, I was out there making the world safe for the youth of today. I would put on my suit, proton pack and have my trap in hand and capture every ghost in my house. For some reason, they were all there. I captured them all so you don't have to be scared at night. Slimer is still around, he is my friend. But all other ghosts have been stored in my custom made storage facility. That's right, you are welcome.
When Ghostbusters II came out in theaters, I bought the Ghostbuster II ecto-mobile. Yes, it was the same exact car as the one I already owned. The ghost on the car had two fingers up and that was the only difference. Did I care when I found this out? No, I was still thrilled. This was a ghostbuster toy and I was proud to own it and to be saving the world from ghosts. Also, the first audio tape I ever owned was the Ghostbusters II soundtrack. It taught me how to spell the word ghost.
We all had many toys when we were younger and I am sure everyone's favorite is just by the chance of what was popular during those days and what our parents happen to let us own. We love them now, not because they were great toys, but because they remind us of the days when our imagination was endless. This is true for all toys, except Ghostbusters, they were different, their toys saved the world from paranormal activity and made me the unsung hero of this world.
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