Growing up, everyone had their favorite action figures. Turtles. Transformers. Ghostbusters. For me, it was G.I. Joe. With what felt like an endless supply of weapons and enhancements, G.I. Joe action figures were extremely customizable. And more importantly: they had numerous story possibilities!
When I played with my action figures, they were placed within an epic story. Sometimes it would be a "Die Hard" one man against the world type story. Others, a huge war. Sometimes a mutant or animal from another line of action figures would make an appearance and all the G.I. Joes had to unite to eliminate this common threat. There were endless possibilities.
Guns that would actually shoot were another big draw to the Joe figures. You did not have to pretend someone was getting shot when they could actually be hit with something! Not all had this feature, but the guns could be held by all so if someone died in the field, someone else was able to grab their gun.
G.I Joe action figures were just plain fun. Easily the best to play with. Had my parents bought me Transformers figures, I might side with them. Cause they seemed pretty damn awesome. But they did not. So I will never know. But it didn't matter. I was happy with my G.I. Joes and would not have traded them for the world.
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