Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aren't we forgeting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa.

I am gonna have to agree with Dos on this one. The holidays are just annoying. I can't even drive near malls or best buys or wal marts after thanksgiving hits cause theres so much traffic around them. And another thing, why don't more people just do their shopping online? Amazon is often cheaper than the big retail stores and with cyber Monday there is really no need to deal with the lines at the stores. But we can save that argument for another day. Back to the holidays.

Christmas, Chanukah, etc. are good if you are a kid. But once you learn there is no Santa or Chanukah Leprechaun (that's what they believe in, right?) its just not the same. The problem with these holidays are their commercialization. As you get older, you just realize more and more what little significance these holidays have. Especially if you are non religious. And let me just say, I hate the people that only go to Church or Temple (tribute Dos) just during the major holidays a few times a year. Either commit to it fully or don't go at all! You are the worst people of all. You and fat chicks.

There are definitely good parts of the holidays though. And I think Dos is a little harder on them than I am because he is Jewish. Everyone knows Christmas is where its at. And he is just upset he doesnt get to celebrate it. No tree. No Christmas lights. No Charlie Brown Christmas marathons in his house. Dos, I feel for you. I know deep down you wish you were Christmas.

I was expecting to go on a bigger rant about why I dont like the holidays, but turns out, they dont piss me off that much. I just want to end by saying Dos, your parents are right. You are a bad Jew.

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