Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Shit just got real

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. This blog used to be funny. But Dos just made it real. That was serious. All I got from that was that Dos hates people. And needs tv and movies to escape from reality. These are the ramblings of what sounds like a future serial killer to me!

Ok, I kid, I kid. Dos made a lot of good points there. He did, however, make some very very false ones. Lets delve into those first, shall we.

"I own an insane amount of DVDs"


Dos owns maybe 200. This day and age, that is not very many. He himself has admitted to me that he is more and more reliant on streaming video over actual physical content. And that is the future, so he is smart to abandon his dreams of owning as many dvds as possible. Also, if you are gonna brag, at least brag about your blu ray collection! DVDs are so 90s.

That is actually that only thing about his post I can argue about. The rest was surprisingly spot on. Like Dos, I find most people to be annoying, ignorant assholes. And popular culture, wether it be movies, tv, music, books or comics, are my escape from the world we live in and these people that inhabit it.

Why can't everyone be like Dos and I? We are fairly smart. Ok, maybe not "book" smart, but we get the world. But then again, there could be a number of people who look at us and think, whats wrong with those idiots? So really, who is to say who is right? Well, right now, we are! Because we control this blog and what we say goes. So yeah, fuck you and your stupid banter small-talk. Nobody cares that your stupid kid didn't shit his pants for once. You got a raise? Good for you, dick.

Quite frankly, I don't even know what I really wanted to talk about when I started this post. But, Dos got me all riled up now and angry at the world. So yeah, bottom line, people in general are assholes. Popular culture is our escape. Goodnight.

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