Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is No Ordinary Vegetable, This is Pure Evil

Listen Doc, I like peas. They are really fun to eat and then spit them out really fast. No one can deny this. When it comes to bad vegetables, one can not limit themselves to the average everyday vegetable. The vegetables that we know of are around because, at least, they are pretty good. When you talk about vegetable most wanted (they are wanted to be arrested and put away forever, not like most wanted to eat) you have to go deep into the prison and see who is on death row. I give you, and I even hesitate to say its disgusting name, FENNEL.

Fennel is sometimes put into salads. Remember this, it may prove to be important later.

Perhaps the biggest problem about fennel is how it looks. It looks like any root vegetable. It could even be mistaken for celery. However, it does not taste good with peanut butter and raisins when it looks line ants crawling on a muddy plant. If you were unfortunate enough to be tricked by this horrible vegetation into eating it you would understand what I mean. First it tricks you, it tastes a little bit like licorice. Not the great strawberry licorice we all love, the gross black one. Now, let's say you happen to like that kind, your enjoying fennel, its not so bad. Then comes the after taste. PURE VOMIT. Did those words scare you? Good, they should. Stay away from the fennel my friends. You have been warned.

Fennel is like a really scary monster in a horror movie because it can attack when you least expect. It is sometimes used in toothpaste. Gross toothpaste. So, let's say you buy and exciting new toothpaste, perhaps it has a cool tooth cartoon character on it. You are all excited to use it, you squeeze the tube and then put the toothbrush in your mouth. "EWWWW THIS TASTE IS KINDA BAD," you shout. You just got fennel attacked and it was not fun. It was gross.

As with every good horror movie, I must end this story with one shocking reminder of the horrible monster. You now look at the tooth paste ingredients before you buy it, you ask people what the vegetable is before you eat and you are getting to be very smart about avoiding fennel. In fact, you reunite with your lost love who was once tired of you eating fennel accidentally and complaining. You don't eat fennel anymore, so he/she takes you back. He/She takes you to Italy to celebrate your romance. You see a nice Italian bistro. Your meal comes with a free salad. You are talking to your love about the places you will see and then you start to taste something that tastes a little like black licorice................

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