Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peas - The Bane of my Existence (well, one of many)

Now, I like vegetables on occasion. Carrots, String Beans, Potatoes, etc. But there is one vegetable that I can not stomach. That vegetable, my friends, is the pea. The best way to describe them would be the turds of the vegetable world.

Small. Green. Gross. As a kid, I would hide them in my napkin when my mom wasn't looking so I could go outside and play without having to eat these horrible little things. I wouldn't even give them to the dog. The dog deserved better than that.

They have no redeeming quality in my eyes. Sure, they are healthy. But they can easily be replaced by another, better tasting, vegetable. Another problem is the size. Often rolling off the plate. Off my utencil. And then finding its way into other food and contaminating it. Enough is enough pea.

Am I saying the pea should be eliminated? Yes. And now I will leave you with a list of things I would like to see wiped off the face of the Earth. These topics will be touched on in future posts:

Fat chicks
People who talk during movies
Rap music
Fat chicks
Reality t.v.
And I am sure there are a lot others I just can't think of at the moment

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