Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Saw 10 movies in 2010

...not entirely true because I technically saw the King's Speech in 2011, but whatever. Here is the list of my 2010 movies and I will note where I did not really like them, which was most of them.

10. The Last Airbender - Unwatchable and really hard on me as I was a fan of the show

9. Hot Tub Time Machine - Did not even capture the fun of crappy comedy movies I used to watch on channel 11 and still have an affinity for

8. Greenberg - Usually I enjoy such independent comedies, but this one was boring. Although OI did enjoy Stiller's performance

7. Alice in Wonderland - Starting out pretty ok, but then dissolved into a bizarre action film. The movie was forgettable at best.

6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - I alternated from bored to entertained with this one

5. Inception - I hate that the top was still spinning at the end as we know it is not a dream. However, I was entertained but do not think it is one of the greatest movies ever made.

4. Toy Story 3 - The worst of the 3 but I did get rather scared when I thought all of the toys were going to die. However, the true laughs were gone in this final installment.

3. Tangled - Surprisingly entertaining. While it is still not a movie that I loved, I did laugh and it was much more entertaining than I thought.

2. Waking Sleeping Beauty - Ah and we are finally at a movie that I enjoyed watching. This documentary on Disney's renaissance in the late 80s and 90s was fascinating. I really enjoyed learning about the stories behind the films as well as reminiscing some memories of seeing these animated films when I was younger. Interesting watch for anyone who likes to learn about movies.

1. The King's Speech - Another good film. I would not say this one was amazing but it was constantly witty, interesting and entertaining. Geoffry Rush's performance was superb and I could not picture anyone else but him playing the part.

Man, I guess 2010 was not the best year for movies. Maybe I just didn't see enough as I tend to watch older films. Maybe I just need to do a post reacting to Doc's list and to say how all those movies he selected seem bad to me. We shall see. I will give him that I want to see True Grit and the Fighter. But how can Jackass 3D really be in a list of the best anything?

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