Thursday, February 17, 2011

12 Angry Remarks (well, one is positive....the first one)

1. I Love 12 Angry Men, now that is a meaningful movie.

2. Sexist

3. How is me using someone else's review admitting defeat?

4. Doc did put a lot of effort into his previous post. He should be commended for that. However, as I stated in my last post, he just showed that the movie was complex. He did not show that it was smart or meaningful.

5. My joke was that because he responded with so many words, I would respond with the fewest to show that more words do not equal a better argument. I am not syaing it was a good joke. I am just saying I don't know why posting it here was so revealing.

6. I am sick about talking about inception, the movie is so bad it does not deserve this much thought or time, and I did just copy a review I agreed with and posted it on to the blog. At no point did I deny this.

7. In doing so, that was an dirty easy trick. I used someone else's words to express my own and it took much faster than writing an entry of my own. Agian, I admitted this.

8. I, indeed, still dislike the film and did take the easy way out using someone else's review.

9. What truth did Doc reveal that I did not admit in my previous post?

10. I already came back from Doc's post as he did not bring anything novel to the debate.

11. I am not waiting for Doc to do anything, I am responding quickly to his lack of accusations. All he did was repeat things that were already abundantly clear.

12. Inception is a meaningless film that is walking around pretending it is smart and meaningful. It had a needlessly complex plot to give the feeling that it is about something when it isn't. The point of all the complexity is to have some really cool action scenes. To say the film is about loss or anything serious is a ridiculous argument because the film spends most of its time on action. It does not have a lot of interesting dialogue, plot or do anything to make the audience think. The story is clearly explained out for you. The audience is not allowed to judge the characters, action or philosophy of the film. The director tells the audience what to feel and when to feel it. I do not enjoy being a sheep. Some people do. I am not saying that some people do not enjoy this film, but they should admit why they enjoy it. It has some cool action scenes. I was planing on coming to the blog today and find some way to give Doc the win. I am tired of talking about Inception and I was planning on coming on here and saying I concede to Doc because...and make up a loop hole for Doc to easily get out of and have the win. However, Doc's previous post, which claims to be so revealing and novel is just like the film Inception. It acts like it is giving out important information when in fact, it isn't. It is just empty for these numbered reasons you are reading now. I could not let this stand. I had to be honest, even at the risk of talking about this dumb movie some more. To sum up, I did take the easy way out by posting someone else's words. This is not worng in itself, as I admitted it, and it was just a lazy thing to do. However, I still agree with all those words I have posted and Doc has in no way proved that Inception is anything but a complex action film. Now, here is what I want. I want Doc to write a post saying "Inception is nothing more than a complex action film that I happen to enjoy because I think action films are really entertaining. It is not meaningful, challenging or intellectually stimulating. It does not have to be, it is just entertainment." That is an argument I will accept. I'll make this easy for you Doc. Just copy and paste the quote into your next post. You do not have to write anything else. Then I will start a new topic of debate and everything will go back to normal. Until then, the world waits....

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