Friday, February 11, 2011


You know, I am sitting here at work and I have a lot of things that I could be doing, but all I am doing is thinking about doing a blog entry. So, I figured I would do one. Hopefully, it won't take too long and I can get back to work. Here is the thing though, I don't want to get back to work. I would rather be doing a blog entry than doing work. Why is this? Well, I have a theory. Actually, Karl Marx had a theory and I am going to steal some stuff from him.

I do think most people are walking around, at least, a little annoyed about their daily life. I don't mean like hate it and want to kill yourself annoyed, I mean just a bit frustrated by the banality of things. Or maybe it is just me. I don't know. Anyway, the question at hand is why do I like writing this blog? I think it is because it gives me a creative outlet that I am yearning for. I sincerely do not think I am alone in this. I can come on here and talk about anything I want and I can assume that there is at least one person listening. Thank you Doc. But it is more than just the listening factor. It is all about being free to create. Thank you Mr. Marx. Marx said that all human beings are stifled by society, the need to have a job to make money, or just the banality of daily human activity. You are then forced to do work that can seem repetitive or boring or just something you don't want to do. However, in a new age there are plenty of creative outlets for those who are seeking it. We see this in games which are about daily activity. For the longest time I could not get why people play farmville. I think I get it now, it is there way of being creative. They might not be aware of it, but that is what it is. Perhaps I am over analyzing this, but let's take it a step further.

Why am I so obsessed with movies and other works of art? Is it envy of those people who are creating them? Possibly, but furthermore it is a place where I can have an opinion. I can say what movies please me and why and, in doing so, I am thinking about creative works and how I can change them, or why they are so good or bad. I do think that all of us crave creativity. Designing this blog, writing this blog and thinking about this blog are all creative outlets for me. It is a basic human desire to create. I don't truly care if any one reads it I think. I am just happy to come one here write some nonsense and I feel better after it. Maybe my explanation is incorrect and there is something else going on here. Like the peculiar American need to preform and get attention. Perhaps this is part of it. I do believe that Americans are a rare breed who can be very dramatic.

Allow me to explain. I was once watching a travel show about an Englishman traveling around the world. When he made it to the United States, he kept commenting on how he felt all Americans acted as if they were constantly preforming. He walked down a boardwalk near a beach and saw a man rollerblading and doing tricks. The Rollerblader was not with anyone, he was doing tricks for himself or perhaps it was for the other people around him. The traveller was on a train to New York City and saw some elderly women travelling there to go have a night on the town. They were screaming and yelling about how excited they were and everyone on the train could hear them. Where they really this uncontrollably excited? Were they putting on a show? Were they just fulfilling the role of the excited women? I don't know, but I do think his observation about how it feels like Americans are always preforming quite true.

So, maybe I am fulfilling my need to preform through this blog. Even so, this would still be craving a creative outlet. In a world of blogs, facebook and twitter, has the need for a creative outlets been fulfilled? Does the capitalist system not have to be taken down to give people the creativity they desire? Mr. Marx would probably still say no to that question. However, I still think he was quite right about creativity. That is what has brought me here today and I think that has been what has fueled the Internet. Well, I guess I should be getting back to doing work. Even after I have done this post, there is still work to do. However, I think it may be a little easier getting myself to do it now than it was before I wrote this post.

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