Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling

It is fitting that today is Valentine's Day (a day of love) based on the relationship I have with Dos. It is a love/hate relationship. And right now, I hate him. The post below is just utter nonsense. As you can see, all it took was for one email for Dos to be completely influenced in the wrong direction. He was unable to see the light on his own. Gullibility is not something I want this blog to be about. Had Dos understood the movie, he would not have had to rely on an email from an unnamed source. If he was on the fence about it, he should have watched the movie again.

Dos claimed Inception was meaningless. Well, this may be what the person who sent Dos the email got from the movie, but they are wrong. Inception is about loss, being unable to let go, redemption and hope. All of this is at the forefront while the big spectacle of the dream world is actually the backdrop. Christopher Nolan has created a movie that looks and acts like a big summer blockbuster, but is so much more than that. Like The Social Network, it is a movie with brains. Dos understood this about TSN, so it amazes me Inception goes over his head.

Dos states that the movies "goes nowhere." Well, to me that is a mind bogging statement. The problem is that Dos was unable to see deeper, past the action scenes. Which were absolutely NOT pointless and all served a purpose. I also can't remember the last time I was so blown away by a scene as I was during the hallway fight scene. Like I said above, the point of the movie was dealing with loss and having to move on. Cobb lost his wife and was unable to move on. This is why she always appeared in his dreams. It was the whole point of the movie!

The secondary characters weren't developed as much as Cobb, but the other character in the movie given an emotional arc was Robert Fischer. He is a man that wanted nothing more in life than the love of his father. By planting in his mind the thought of this (his father kept a toy of his sons in his safe) he is able to find the bond he always wanted with his dad. Huge emotional moment and driving point of the film. But Dos believes the movie has no meaning. I guess if there are no muppets or Disney characters dropping pianos on each other it is "pointless."

A lot of people were pissed about the screen cutting to black while the top was still spinning, but I loved it. It made you go back and notice things you didn't notice the first time around. If Dos took the time to revisit the movie, he might have realized the top wasn't even Cobb's totem, his wedding ring was. A very smart idea and completely missed by Dos.

I just want to apologize to everyone that read the mess below. Rather than letting an outside source influence what he likes and doesn't like, Dos should have took the time to watch the movie again if he wasn't sure what he thought about it. Dos in fact gave in to peer pressure by being influenced in such a way. After what he said, it will be hard to take anything he writes ever again with more than a grain of salt. But I believe in time we will heal, like Cobb and Fisher were able to. Perhaps this was the point Dos was trying to convey with what he wrote?

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