Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Doc Stinks

You know what? I do not stink, Doc does. Where the hell has he been? Does he only come on the blog when I challenge him? Is he sad because no one did his poll? Well listen here, if any of this is true than Doc does not understand what blogs are all about.

Blogs are not just about having a challenge to overcome. That is the opposite of blogs. They are not a competition. They are about throwing yourself out there just because it is fun to do so. Also, they are not about others reading your blog. They are about being able to write about some crap and see it on a website and pretend others are reading it and that they care what you have to say. It is kind of fun in that way. Doc is ruining all of this fun. Him and I have not spoken about the blog in days. This is a horrible state of affairs. I am left with no choice, but to give another inane list of topics to get Doc to come back to the blog. Here we go:

The Iraqi and Afghan War
Best Simpsons episode
Flag burning
Seltzer vs. Club Soda...which is which?
Best TV show
Best movies of various decades
Best action movie (c'mon Doc!)
Worst job possible
Why are there no more door to door salesman?
What is this thing on the bottom of my foot?
Reasons for the fall of the Ottoman Empire
Sherbert vs. ice cream
Lost: what happened?
Friendly's Watermelon Logs
Why christopher nolan is a terrible director
Why terry gilliam is an awesome director
Why the star wars movies are so terrible
Why the lord of the rings movies are so terrible
Why ask why? Try bud dry
Why the criterion collection is so cool
VCR repair or get your degree
Best religion
Worst religion
Sitting on the Dock of the Bay and other great 70s classics
How could numbers really go on forever?
Best type of pie
Why Dos has the best DVD collection
What is the meaning of life?
Why Scarface is a terrible movie
Why Goodfellas is a terrible movie
Why Stella was a great TV show
Why TV should have test patterns at night and during the day again
Why infomercials can be fun to watch
Why the muppets are so enjoyable
Why Family Guy can be funny, but is ultimately a bad show
Why old black and white movies are so enjoyable
What is wrong with people who like low shower pressure
Why Doc has not written a post in a while
Best fictional TV show
Best fictional band
Why superhero movies stink
Lemon Curry?
Why jazz is so enjoyable
Best non-fictional band
Sally Struthers
Mel Brooks movies
Albert Brooks movies
Babbling Brooks movies
Karl Marx
Marx Brothers
Tropicana Orange Juice...why is it so great?
3 Eggs
4 Sticks of butter
A quart of milk
A container of sprinkles
A herring
5 teaspoons of vanilla extract

Now mix all of those ingredients together and you have my patented Banana Cream Pie. Thank you again for joining me for another recipe on the pioneer woman blog. I moved from the city to the country for my cowboy husband! I have a really cute dog and now write recipe books. Also, I like taking photos of things. There is a movie about my life coming out starring Reese Witherspoon. I am "funny, enthusiastic and self-depricating," says the New York Times.

Doc your move.

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