Monday, April 11, 2011

The 3184 Blog 127th Anniversary Spectacular

Wow. 127 years. Who would have thought the blog would have lasted this long? To think that for 127 years this blog has been making people confused by thinking it was a Honeymooners fan page. It's isn't for the record. We hate the honeymooners here. Anyway, I thought a great way to celebrate our anniversary would be to go through some excerpts from our greatest blog moments. So join me through 127 glorious 3184 battle-filled years:

March 1, 1884 Statue, We Don't need no Stinkin' Statue (a Doc post)

I do not understand why time and money is going to be spent building a statue of liberty when we know we are free and everyone else is not. I get it. We have liberty and everyone else is nuts. Isn't anyone suspicious about France giving us a statue that welcomes more immigrants to this country? This has got to be a trap. They are clearly trying to send more immigrants here. Sure France give us a statue. Thanks. Worst present ever.

April 24, 1898 No Chance of War with Spain (a Dos post)

I'm sure the American people will go to war with Spain. The government is going to shut down from not passing a budget and there will be no war with Spain.

December 22, 1908 The Last Emperor Stinks (a Doc post)

Great! So some young kid was crowned emperor in China. Now I am going to have to hear from Dos how he wants a crappy movie made about it. Boring.

November 11, 1918 If the Great War is over why do I still have to listen to Ragtime? (a Dos post)

...and so the Great War is over and since there will never be another one like it, I think it is time to list other things that should be over and never heard from again. Number one on my list; Ragtime. Since the 1890s I have had to suffer through fast piano bars with snazzy steps. They are not snazzy they stink. This one I think Doc will agree with me one. We need music that angrier, right Doc? (He loves his angry blues songs)....

October 23, 1929 Buy! Buy! Buy! (a Doc Post)

Boy are these 1920s roarin'! The good times are never going to end. I just bought a crap load of stock. At this rate, I will be able to stop working shortly.

October 24, 1929 Sell! Sell! Sell! Part II (a Dos post)

Told you bitches!

March 22, 1937 No Historical events To Reference (A Doc Post)

Man, nothing is happening today. Is this the end of the 3184 blog? Where is Dos? He has not posted in years. If he does not post shortly I think the blog is over. No one reads us anyway. I mean I put up a poll! What is wrong with you people? WE ARE SPINNING GOLD HERE!!!

February 13, 1943 Why Looney Tune shorts are Better than Disney Shorts (A Dos Post)

Doc is a fool in saying that Disney cartoon shorts are better than the Tunes. Mickey is soft on Nazism as well. I don't see him anywhere in the shorts with Hitler. Bugs and Daffy really kick Hitler's ass. Disney shorts. Bah!

May 13, 1955 How Sweet it Is (a Doc post)

There will never be a better show than the Honeymooners.

June 27, 1969 Doc is a Square Nixon Voter Working for the Man
(a Dos post)

(The amount of expletives in this post prevents it from being reprinted here due slander laws and a temporary restraining order between Dos and Doc from 1969 to 1974)

September 21, 1977 Disco Sucks! (a Doc Post)

Finally Dos and I are in agreement. Let the blog continue again!

March 1, 1984


August 8, 1996

Hanson! Blind Melon! Grunge! Ducktales! 90s pop culture references!

November 16, 2002 High Five! (a Dos Post)

I am loving high fiving people in college! This is great! Free high fives here!

April 1, 2010 Warning: This Article May Contain Spoilers (a Dos Post)

Here is the thing; if you love a show or a movie, you think about it a lot...As we wait for Doc's response, I would like to leave you with this one last thought, wouldn't this blog be more enjoyable if I was able to leave you with a hint of what's to come?

Well, there you have it. Here is to 127 more years of bad jokes, complaints about no one reading our blog, worries of the blog ending, wrong predictions, fights about pop culture and anniversary themes posts! Good night and keep reading! (just kidding no one reads this blog)

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