Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I have read and re read and read Dos's post again and again. After careful consideration and discussing my options with friends and family, I have come to the only reasonable conclusion I can. It is with a heavy heart and deep sadness that I announce my retirement from the blog. It has occurred to me that I can not continue with it while my heart is no longer in it. I rather not do any posts at all than do half assed ones. The 3184 Blog is better than that. And you, our loyal readers, deserve better than that.

But lets not dwell on this. Lets remember the good times. The great candy debate of '10. Inceptiongate. Lucy vs the Honeymooners. Those few months we had polls on the site where Dos and I would vote numerous times or ask our stupid friends to vote because, quite frankly, we have no readers.

I have been planning on leaving the blog for some time now. This is why I have been creating recurring blog posts. I want to make the transition easy for Dos. He will continue on without me and the blog will be better for it. Perhaps in the future I will do a guest post here and there. But a full on return is years off.

I guess this is the part where I need to thank some people. Well, I'd like to thank no one but myself. Without me, none of this would have been possible.

I know Dos is reading this and I am sorry to say, this is how he is finding out about my departure, with the rest of you. I would like to give a few suggestions for names for the blog now that it will be Doc-less.

The 3184 Blog: Dos's Big Adventure
The 3184 Blog: Dos Strikes Back
The 3184 Blog: The Dos Fresca Story
The 3184 Blog: The Life and Times of Dos
The 3184 Blog: Los Dos - Tengo las pelotas grandes
The 3184 Blog: Damn you for leaving Doc!
The 3184 Blog: Dos Vs Dos

Well guys, thats a wrap for me. I hope I was able to entertain at least someone with my stupid rants and random posts. I hope you all keep reading the Doc-less 3184 blog. I can't promise I will. In fact, this will probably be the last time I ever come here. Why is that? Do I plan on creating a Doc only blog that will be a million times better, and Dos free, than this?! Nah. 3184 for life! But seriously, I am just messing with you. I am not leaving. Why would I leave the wonderful 3184 community. I wonder at what point Dos realized this was a sham? I just wanted to make you realize what was at stake if you don't keep reading. So, tell your friends about us!

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