Friday, May 11, 2012

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Aevngers

Here is a list of the top 10 grossing films of all time. Ones which have received a lot of bad reviews are in bold:

1. Avatar
2. Titanic
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Halos - Part 2
4. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
7. Toy Story 3 (The worst of the franchise)
8. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
9. Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace
10. Alice in Wonderland

Wow, there are 10 terrible, or at least sub-par movies. I doubt any of these movies, with the possible exception of Lord of the Rings, would appear on anyone's top 10 list. I guess the amount of money a movie makes is in no way a reflection of the quality of a movie.

I will be seeing the movie on Saturday. This is for the sole reason that Doc will not use the excused of, "you never saw it," when I tell him it is a terrible movie that is just like every other superhero movie. I told him that I will be honest and admit if I like it after that, but I see very little chance of this occurring.

Furthermore, I did not say people who like this movie are dumb. I just said that most people are dumb and that is not a reason to go by box office receipts to judge the quality of the movie. Also, I am sure there are plenty of people who see this movie and end up not liking it. I will probably be one of those. So, just seeing a movie can not mean you are dumb. However, I do say that most people who like this move are sheep. They like very formulaic films where the same basic story happens every time. I do believe that one of the signs of a good movie is originality. Here are some quotes that agree with my prediction:

"Every now and then, director Joss Whedon executes a quirky camera set-up to assert that the film was created by him and not a team of marketing executives." - Ben Sachs

"There are also the fans who rage in the comments, as if men in spandex are as serious as war and the economy. Is there a defensive euphoria in seeing your childhood heroes come to life? Is 'The Avengers' a great film? No. Will people love it? Yes!" - Clay Cane

"Yet another brainless, overbloated and mostly underwhelming blockbuster despite marvelous visual effects." - Avi Offer

"Really, who cares about another battle? We know how this is going to end." - Karina Longworth

"Nothing but 2:20 of special effects and ridiculous's like all the superheroes are trying out at the Improv to see who can give the best one-liner, and none of them do." - Tony Medley

"If you're not much of a Marvel Comics person but just want to get an early start on your mindless summer moviegoing, well, I guess this picture is no stupider than anything else." - Andrew O'Hehir

"To watch another comic book transformed into another blockbuster is to "marvel" at much and to feel nothing - that's a safer bet than the converse, perhaps, which may explain the genre's popularity." - Rick Groen

I'll take the hit and see this movie for all of those who know it sucks before you see it. I will be your casualty in the war against banal film making! You are all welcome.

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